novell data synchronizer

This article is related to the Data Synchronizer server running on SLES11

During the initial setup phase of our Datasync server and through to the troubleshooting with devices we had to access the logs frequently, this soon got rather cumbersome.

We have numerous non-linux people in our Operations Team who will need ongoing access to these logs to diagnose issues and I needed a way for these people to quickly access the logs to locate the information, so i created a simple script.

This is just a simple bash script with letters to corresponding sequences that grep's and tail's files to shows specific information easily.

There is a screenshot of the interface start screen attached below

Options A thru F are taken from the following link, under Connector Monitoring

They show:

* Active Device Threads

* Threadpool and pending queue

* Counts POA slaps

* Types of items coming from GroupWise

* Queue of tasks waiting to be synced, on both GroupWise AppInterface and Sync Engines

Option G is one I thought would be useful, by entering the users email ID the script will then search [grep] for that users ID from the Pipeline logs

Option H is handy as it runs options A thru F then emails the output to the system administrator

Options J, K and L gives a breif run down on the log files and what they log

Options R thru Y continuously output the eight log files so you can watch them live

Assuming that your log folder is under /var/log/datasync these actions will show you the information specified in each option.

At the top of each of these outputs the 'current time' has been configured to show the same format as the log files, this makes it easy to see when each entry has occured.

After each option is selected the information from the log is displayed, some options simply search [grep] then display, other options will tail -f [continuously display] and a CTRL+C then ENTER is required to return back to the menu

After you have explored the menu, selected a couple of options, seen the output and returned to the menu you will get the hang of it

There are several things to confirm / check before running the script

1. the log folder, default is /var/log/datasync, change this if your location is different

2. options G and H output to a file location under /scripts/tmp, change to /tmp is also fine

3. specify an email address for the outputs to get sent to, this could be altered to prompt but its not

The initial start screen has been optimized for the default putty screen size of 80x24, if maximize the putty window you will be able to see more information

Further development suggestion and possible modifications

1. build in a prompt for the sysadmin email address

2. setup a datasync admin user login, add this script to be executed via the users profile, then the non-linux person has to simply login then is presented with this interface

3. add other options to perform more actions, have left I, M thru Q without actions, of course the screen would roll of the edge of the default putty window [80x24]

feel free to use this script, any feedback would be appreciated



dan at taylor dot gen dot nz